Saturday, July 17, 2004

1. I live in the town where I was born.
2. I left here for 4 years to go to college.
3. Didn't think I would come back
4. I have a BA degree in Politics
5. Thought I wanted a career in DC
6. Got "sidetracked" from a career in politics by helping others in need
7. Found out I have a talent for helping other people
8. Went to graduate school in social work
9. Came back to hometown since in-state tuition is cheaper
10. I lived with my grandparents for 2 years while in grad school
11. Don't ever want to do that again
12. Met my husband online
13. Dated a guy in college that I met online
14. Feel cheesy having met my husband online
15. He IM'd me
16. The coffee house where we officially met in person is now closed
17. I love my husband
18. I miss sleeping in the same bed with him
19. I sleep on the couch so that he can sleep uninterrupted by crying babies
20. I work for a non-profit mental health agency
21. I'm not a therapist
22. Didn't think I ever wanted to be a therapist
23. Might change my mind about that
24. Changed my mind about a lot of things since I had children
25. I view my mom in a different light since having children
26. My mom had me when she was 16
27. We've grown up together
28. She has always been my best friend
29. I have 2 brothers
30. I thought I would only have one sibling for much of my life
31. My youngest brother was born when I was in 8th grade.
32. I am like a 2nd mom to him
33. He and I share similar political views
34. We are the "black sheep" of the family
35. I like being a black sheep
36. My dad is a pool man
37. He works very hard, especially during the summer
38. I worked in the swimming pool supply store for 2 summers during college
39. I like working alongside my dad
40. I hated my middle brother until I moved away to college
41. I was Valedictorian of my high school graduating class
42. I was one of 4 valedictorians that year
43. I had a 4.0 GPA in high school
44. I had a 2.9 GPA my first semester in college
45. College was much harder than high school!
46. I made the best friends of my life in college
47. I grieved their loss for 2 years
48. That grief was the catalyst for me entering therapy for depression
49. Mental health problems run in my family
50. I think this is why I ended up in the mental health field
51. My uncle died from an alcohol/drug overdose 1 1/2 years ago
52. He had bipolar disorder
53. I will always wonder if he intentionally overdosed
54. I am burnt out with mental health work
55. Thinking about going back to school
56. Don't have money to go back to school
57. Still in debt from undergrad
58. Just finished reading "Death's Acre" about the Body Farm forensic anthropology work
59. I love reading scientific types of books
60. One of my favorite classes in high school was Anatomy and Physiology
61. I love watching TV shows where they video live surgery or childbirth
62. This makes me wonder if I should go into the medical field
63. Several of the nurses I had during my hospital stay for labor, delivery and recovery were terrible
64. I am so burnt out with my job that I often play games while at work
65. My job has the potential to be one of the best social work jobs in this town
66. I've thought about starting my own agency
67. I have a lot of good ideas
68. I get scared thinking about starting my own business or agency
69. I worry about everything
70. Therapy helped me cope better with my anxiety
71. I think everyone could benefit from psychotherapy
72. Insurance companies should pay for it
73. I wish I lived in a country with socialized healthcare
74. My grandfather called me a Socialist once
75. Some say that becoming a parent makes you more conservative -- the opposite has happened to me
76. I think that Jesus Christ was a Socialist
77. Faith is very important to me
78. So is tolerance and acceptance of differences
79. Religious fundamentalists from ANY type of religion scare me and fascinate me
80. Thinking about religion and politics makes me want to re-read Alexis De Tocqueville's "Democracy in America"
81. I used to read books all the time
82. I had a book in my hand constantly, even when I was eating
83. Ever since college, it is harder for me to read for pleasure
84. I get sucked in by the TV too often
85. If my husband weren't against it, I would get rid of the TV, or at least cancel the cable
86. I will read to my boys every chance I get
87. I love my children more than anything or anyone in the world
88. Having them has been the greatest accomplishment in my life
89. I worry a lot more now
90. I am overweight
91. Having children has allowed me to be more at peace with my body shape
92. I like looking at my feet and ankles now that they are a normal size
93. I still look about 4 months pregnant
94. It baffles me when people tell me that they want to have twins
95. They don't know what they are talking about
96. I wouldn't trade having twins for anything in the world
97. I would like to have a girl
98. I don't know if I want to be pregnant again
99. Having one would probably be very easy
100. I could go on past 100, but I am stopping now!


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